Now this is a fun topic. Milton H. Erickson, perhaps the most known, successful and sought-after hypnotherapist of all times (besides Mesmer which had the honor of hypnotizing kings), had a way to form hypnotic suggestions that didn’t even seem like hypnotic at all.
Erickson used to combine numerous hypnotic suggestions while he spoke to his patients (and later on, after Bandler & Grinder did their research, it was known that he used hypnotic suggestions with almost anyone!).
Later on we’ll do a course on the hypnotic formulas that Milton Erickson used. For now, let’s take a closer look on some great hypnotic pick-up lines. When I say “pick up line”, it doesn’t mean in the sense of picking up babes, but in the sense of picking up the attention of the subconscious mind of the listener.
The best way to use and practice these hypnotic pick-up lines is the simple way: same one aloud and complete it with whatever suggestion you want to apply.
Now, please remember: these are not magic tricks. You cannot simply go to strangers on the street and say something like “and I wonder if you can wonder what it would be like having me as your boyfriend…”. You’ll get slapped, kicked, scratched or worst. Be careful.
Hypnotic pick-up lines won’t work if the listener didn’t agree in advance to either receive therapeutic intervention or to be hypnotized by you. The only other option is that the listener is someone very close to you who has a lot of trust and dependency feelings towards you. It can be your daughter or son, your husband or wife or parents. But that’s also depends on the situation and the manner in which you use these hypnotic phrases.
Let’s begin.
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #1:
“And you can wonder, if you would, that…” - you can complete this one in many ways. For example, you could work with a client on smoking cessation, and apply this line near the end of the session - “and you can wonder, if you would, that you have left the old smoke-inhalation habit behind you. If you would, you may also wonder how far it may seem as if it happened in a different life”. Quick tip - when I worked with people on smoking cessation, I never said “you don’t smoke anymore”; because this line is like saying “smoke! Smoke! Smoke some more!”. I used to rephrase the habit ’smoking’ to smoke-inhalation… which almost never heard of in real life. This way, it becomes an un-known, something to be alarmed about.
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #2:
“Can you pay attention to…” - get creative here. This is a great induction phrase. “Can you pay attention to the sound of the air conditioning zooming, to the air breeze, to the smell of the fresh flowers on my desk, to the fabric of the recliner you’re sitting in, to the depth of your breathing? And did you notice how little by little it may get deeper, as with each breath that you take even more air comes in slower than before as a sense of…”. Got the idea? While their mind is waiting for the question mark in order to respond, their subconscious mind has taken the suggestions and acted upon them.
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #3:
“And you can allow yourself to be pleased about” - ah, what a great way to end a trance work. That was one of my favorite suggestions. “and you can allow yourself to be pleased about all the things you’ve accomplished today. It has been hectic, isn’t it? Getting INTO trance, doing all this important work devoted JUST for you, making all the changes, taking care of yourself and improving yourself so you can be more for yourself and for your family and for your country and for the community you live in, but mainly - yes, mainly - to serve your own sense of mission. It’s ok, you can smile a little smile, some people choose to smile after I start to count, 1 2 3 4 5, but you can start now as you find yourself wide awake at the count of 5 (say 5 with a smile).. And counting (with excitement) 1 2 3 4 annnnnd 5! Wide awake! Wide awake! You did a great job. Well done”.
Ok, I gave you a few examples, now it’s your turn to free your mind and come up with your own suggestions to complete these 55 hypnotic pick-up lines:
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #4: “… it might be a way that meets your needs, when…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #5: “and I wonder if you can enjoy the following experience, starting with…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #6: “and don’t be surprised when you get into…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #7: “And you may begin to wonder when…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #8: “certainly I have no idea what’s going on inside of your mind right now, but may I guess that you ask yourself how powerful would it be to imagine that…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #9: “and you may be amazed to find out how much pleasure you can squeeze from…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #10: “Now I would like you to have a new experience…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #11: “With your permission…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #12: “and you most probably discover how it’s like when…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #13: “so sooner or later, I just don’t know exactly when, you…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #14: “and I was just wondering if you will be surprised as…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #15: “how much curious could you be if you’d know that…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #16: “Perhaps it’s time to take a little bit of joy on your way to…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #17: “now, you already know how to…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #18: “and maybe you wouldn’t (spelled out - would ENT) mind noticing how…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #19: “and I wonder if I can ask you to, DISCOVER something…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #20: “and I would like you to take note of the physical sensations that are taking place right now in your body, from the tip of…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #21: “first, XYZ, but then later ZYX…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #22: “now, have you begun to notice that…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #23: “I wonder if you’d allow yourself to enjoy how naturally and easily…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #24: “I just wonder if you’d find joy in…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #25: “and that thing that makes you curious right when…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #26: “will you be surprised to find out that…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #27: “and while you notice…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #28: “and perhaps you begin to notice that…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #29: “I wonder if you have ever noticed…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #30: “will you be surprised to find out that your arm is not even near your face anymore? because…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #31: “and I wonder if you can begin allowing your…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #32: “that only a decision you’re about to make just when…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #33: “most likely, you’d notice a few changes in the way you…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #34: “now it’s very likely, no actually, most likely…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #35: “would you be willing to experience how…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #36: “now don’t be concerned if you don’t go as fast as others into trance, because you see, some people take their time to ENJOY their time and we have as much time as you’d ask for, even if before you know it…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #37: “it’s so nice to notice…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #38: “and you shall know as you knew before, that…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #39: “it may be the time you felt that joy with…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #40: “and it appears to me that you are already in that place where…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #41: “give yourself that opportunity to…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #42: “perhaps sooner than you would expect…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #43: “and if you wish you would…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #44: “and I wonder how soon you can wonder…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #45: “there’s a famous children song that I have forgotten about, and you may be able to record it, with the spider on the wall that…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #46: “it’s most amazing when you find out how…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #47: “now you know better than anyone that…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #48: “and it’s comforting to know… isn’t it?…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #49: “you might have a strong compulsion to act more…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #50: “I would like you to appreciate how wonderful the…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #51: “can you remember a time when…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #52: “and while you remember I want you to hold another sweet memory of…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #53: “so it’s almost like knowing, really knowing…”
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #54: “and you know you’re going to learn, really learn, how it’s like when…”
And the last one for now, which is also one of my favorites:
Hypnotic Pick Up Line #55: “and isn’t it just amusing…”
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