Friday, July 22, 2005

Time distortion technique enables you to plant the idea in the mind of the person you're seducing that at some point in the future, "say six months from now", she will look back at a present time feeling grateful to have met you now and had all over herself the pleasure of spending time in your company and perhaps fulfilling all of your own wildest dreams!

This projection into the future, will help you to cut down the time it takes for this girl to feel safe and comfortable in your presence. It will also dramatically increase the level of intimacy she feels toward you.

To transport the person into the future, all you need to do is engage the person's imagination.

With that in mind I cannot help but look into the future and see a young woman asking her grandmother for advice in the matters of the heart. You look at your grand daughter with love in your eyes, speaking in a kind voice, recalling moments from your youth when you weren't sure whether your heart was melting for the right man. Then you smile and tell her to trust her heart even if her mind says no, because there was a time when a young man was desperately trying to get your attention but for some reason he could not find his way into your heart. Just before you decided to put an end to his misery he wrote one compelling letter straight from his heart and that's when you knew he was the man who deserved your love. Your mind was still not convinced but you decided to let things happen at least for the sake of finding out for sure. Though it wasn't immediate, your heart and mind surrendered to the power of love. Had I given up at first we wouldn't be here talking about matters of the heart my dear girl, for that young man was none other but your grand daddy.

That one email alone made her not want to miss out on such a perfect future.

Mirroring is an NLP technique which you can use to build instant rapport with another person. In NLP, there's a saying that "people like people who are like themselves". Mirroring allows you to synchronize your energy field with the energy field of another person, whether that person is communicating with you and standing near you, or even if the person is sitting or standing on the opposite side of the room.

Being similar or having someone similar in your vicinity creates a feeling of ease, comfort, being understood, feeling safe, etc.

All of us have been doing this unconsciously - now you can learn to harness the power of mirroring consciously.

Perhaps you've noticed how people who are engaged in an interesting conversation seem to assume the same postures, whether sitting or standing up. When sitting, either side by side or on opposites sides of the table, one leans forward and then the other leans forward as well, one leans backward and then the other leans backward as well, they cross their hands in the same manner, tilt their heads similarly, seem to be having similar side-activities (one lifting up hand to fix her hair, another one lifting up hand to scratch his ear; one person lifting up glass to his mouth, another person following with the similar gesture), etc.

One powerful way to get in sync with another person is through matching that person's breathing pattern - simply observe the person's breathing rhythm and breathe in the same rhythm.

You can mirror the person physically by assuming the same posture, doing the same movements with your hands, in all respects using your body in a similar fashion to hers. You can follow the same rhythm of the person's movement, but with another part of your body - for example, if a person were tapping with her fingers on the table, you may tap with your foot under the table. If a person scratches her ear, you may fix your hair.

While you're following what the other person's is doing and getting in sync with that person, you are, what's in NLP language called - pacing that person. After you pace her for a while, either through breathing or through physical movements, you may test for a lead - slowly alter your breathing or initiate a movement and notice whether the person is unconsciously following your lead. If not, go back to pacing - otherwise you can lead the person where you'd like her to follow you.

Anchoring is an application of mind conditioning using the principle of Pavlov's reflex. A Pavlov's reflex is a conditioned reflex first explored and introduced by Russian scientist Pavlov.

The core of his experiment was as follows - he rang a bell, gave a dog some food, the dog saw and smelled the food and started salivating. After a few times of repeating the process of ringing a bell, offering food and getting the dog to salivate, he eliminated the offering of food from the process. He just rang the bell and… the dog started salivating. By always ringing a bell while offering food, he had created a conditioned reflex in the test subject, which in this case was causing salivation by simply ringing the bell.

The same conditioned reflex can be created in a person you'd like to influence or seduce. For example, every time you see the person you'd like to seduce, light up with delight, smile, laugh or just feel good, you touch her in a specific place (the shoulder, elbow, wrist) thus planting an anchor (the ringing of the bell while offering food), while saying something "that feels great, doesn't it?", or simply add a vocal expression of delight, such as "wow", to add an auditory anchor.

Let's say you've touched her wrist each time she felt really good. If you now touch that very same spot on her wrist in the same way you touched it previously, you'll trigger those delightful feelings any time you desire it. You'll also associate them with you. You can plant different anchors for different feelings / states all over her body.

If you anchor specific words or phrases, you can use those in phone conversations or email exchanges, when it's not possible to access physical (kinesthetic anchors) you planted on different spots on her body.

For best results, it's important that your anchors be unique - whether you're using words, phrases, touch, gestures or any other form of anchoring - for two reasons: first, so that someone else doesn't trigger them unintentionally, and so that the person doesn't become insensitive to them through overuse.

The most practical use of anchoring is probably being able the keep a person feeling good when she's with you. Evoke positive feelings, and whilst she's experiencing them, anchor those feelings.

The point of eliciting values is to find out what the person you desire to seduce wants in and from a partner and then to become that person of her or his dreams by expressing desired values.

It is good to distinguish here between the form and the essence. The "form" relates to the actual physical thing, while the "essence" relates to the feelings. The reason that people desire things is because they believe that those things will give them the desired feelings. So, if the person you're trying to seduce begins to enumerate what she wants in terms of tangible things you have no way of providing, it's up to you to discover what does she really want, what does she believe that those things will ultimately give you, what is it that she desires to experience and also what are her priorities.

Some examples of values are feelings of safety, protection, freedom, excitement, honesty, respect, kindness, love, etc.

These values, being intangible (in NLP such words are called "nominalizations"), mean different things to different people, so you also need to find out how will she know when those values have been met. One of the best ways to find out by asking her to describe to you a time when she has experienced such value (quality).

You : So, what is important to you in a guy? She : Well I like big and strong guys. You : And when you are with a big and strong guy, how does that make you feel? (or, What does that allow you to experience?) H: Well it makes me feel safe and protected.

And now if you're not big and strong, you may want to find out if there was a time when she was with a person who was not big and strong and she still felt safe and protected. You may also move onto other values that are important to her, which are easy for you to fulfill, while at the same time discovering other ways of making her feel safe and protected without the necessity of your being big and strong. Maybe you're not so big and strong, but are highly skilled in martial arts or may suggest you both take martial arts classes.

The essence, the feelings the person is after, are also called "desired states" - states that the person desires to experience, in this case, when around the other person. You can look at them as "doorways" leading to YOUR desired outcome with this person.

Each person has an inner "strategy", consisting of a set of desired states - look upon them as doors - set in a specific sequence, which once you unlock, open the way for you to get your desired hidden treasure.

Opening and passing through few initial doors may land you only in a "good friend" position, so if you want to go further, you have to be able to uncover not only her values, but also her strategy - what has to happen and in what order so you get your reward as fast as possible.

Now, that you've found out what the person you're seducing desires in a partner, become that dream person to the best of your ability, while maintaining your integrity and being true to yourself. There's no point in trying to turn yourself into something that you're not and there's no point in forcing yourself to do something that doesn't make you feel good - there are people out there with very exotic interests which you may or may not share.

Asking questions relating to person's values will also differentiate you from the majority of other suitors because you'll demonstrate a genuine interest to really get to know this person - instead of serving her with outworn pick-up lines. When you ask people questions that get them to probe into their depths and open themselves to you, people begin to feel closer to you as they may have revealed to you bits and pieces about themselves that they may not have even shared with other people before, bits and pieces of their most intimate selves.

What selling and seducing have in common is that all people have desires and it's up to you to uncover what these desires are and to fulfill them.

You can use hypnotic language patterns to fulfill the need the person has by having the person imagine her heartfelt desires fulfilled by you. You may even ask the person to describe times when she has felt these desires fulfilled in some way and anchor them to yourself through voice, gesture, touch, facial expression, etc.

Sample Questions To Elicit Values:

  • What is really important for you in your life?
  • What is really important for you in a relationship?
  • What is really important for you in a person you'd like to date?
  • What qualities are important for you in people you go out with?
  • How do you decide if to go out with someone?
  • What makes you feel good about yourself?
  • What makes you feel good when you are on a date?
  • What would you like to experience with a guy?
  • How would you describe an ideal relationships?
  • How would you describe an ideal guy you'd like to go out with?

An embedded command is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique for "planting" a thought (state, process, or experience) within the mind of another person beneath the person’s conscious awareness. This is done through presuppositions, which are assumptions implied within verbal structures.

In the English language, commands end with a down turn in tonality. Embedded commands mandate the use of a commanding tonality to be effective. The commands usually possess the word formation of a question, but the tonality of a command. For example, "What's it like when you feel irresistibly attracted to someone?"

The purpose of using embedded commands is to move your listener’s mind in the direction you want it to go without seeming to be intruding or ordering in any way.

Here are some useful embedded commands. We will use each one to embed the command "feel irresistibly attracted to someone."

When you... "When you" presupposes that the person is going to do the thing or experience the state you describe, so it's no longer open to debate or doubt. "When you feel irresistibly attracted to someone, do you find yourself compelled to act on it?"

What would it be like if... This weasel phrase is, in effect, a command for the person to imagine the condition or occurrence named or described after it. "What would it be like if you were to feel irresistibly attracted ... now?"

A person can... By talking about a "person" it deflects any resistance on the part of the person, since you really aren't talking about him or her. "A person can feel irresistibly attracted, talking with someone they really, really like!"

If you were to... By saying "if," it deflects resistance while directing the person to imagine the experience, condition, feeling or situation you are describing. "If you were to feel irresistibly attracted, do you think you might feel compelled to act on it?" (There's a second command hidden in that last sentence.)

As you... This phrase assumes the person will do the behavior or undergo the condition you describe. "As you feel irresistibly attracted, can you feel how (sexually) excited you're getting?"

You don't have to... By saying "you don't have to", you eliminate resistance, since you're saying they don't really have to do it (even though they will!) "You don't have to feel irresistibly attracted, as you listen carefully to what I say!"

You really shouldn't... Since you're saying they "shouldn't", it's not like you're trying to get them to do anything, aren't you? "You really shouldn't...feel irresistibly attracted to me now!".

You might find... Useful as the start of an intensifying chain of phrases. It implies that they are going to experience what you describe as something that just happens, so it's not like you're commanding them to do it! "You might find that as you begin to feel irresistibly attracted to me, it could lead to your acting on it!"

To the point where... This phrase connects one thing your listener is experiencing with the next thing you want her to experience, so it's useful both as a connector and an amplifier. "You might find those pictures start to get bigger and brighter to the point where you feel irresistibly attracted to me!"

Invite you to notice... This has the same effect as "you might find" because it implies that what you describe is going to happen. Plus, "invite" has pleasant connotations of it being voluntary and polite! "And I invite you to notice how the warmth of my voice can allow you to feel irresistibly attracted to me... now!"

How surprised would you be to… This implies that the event you describe is certainly going to happen, and the only question is how surprised they'll be by it! "How surprised will you be to find that you are becoming irresistibly attracted to me ... now?

Hypnotic Anchor

To begin one might ask what exactly is a hypnotic anchor. Simply put, a hypnotic anchor is an association to any life memory. Hypnotic anchors are composed using all of our representational systems which are often broken down into what is known as a 4-tuple, including that of sight, sound, smell, taste, and sensation. When applying a hypnotic anchor, the greater number of senses used, the stronger it becomes, and the harder it becomes to falsely trigger.

An example of a hypnotic anchor would be as such; If I mentioned the word "rose", what happens in your mind? You might all of a sudden see the image of a rose before you, or even smell the sweet scent. Perhaps you might even have some found memories of a not so distant past. So a word, or anything which simply acts as an association to a memory or combination of many memories is considered an anchor.

As previously suggested, when applying a hypnotic anchor, it is best to use as many of the senses as possible. It is therefore recommended that the reader visit our page on 4-tuples, for an even greater understanding.

As for use's in therapy there are many, and for a therapist of any vocation, becoming skilled at the use and application of hypnotic anchors is without a doubt a very handy learning to acquire. For example; whenever working with troubled clients, it is handy to have a safe place for them just in case they become overly associated to an uncomfortable event. Below is an example of how to anchor a safe place for use in the therapeutic process.

To anchor a “safe place”, one must first understand anchors.
A hypnotic anchor is any stimulus that triggers a consistent psychological state. Anchors occur throughout all of our sensory channels in a potentially infinite number of ways.

There are four keys to anchoring:
a) the intensity of the state;
b) timing (peak of experience);
c) uniqueness of the stimulus, including the number of senses used (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory), and;
d) exact replication of the stimulus, or trigger..

To anchor a “safe place”, the hypnotherapist must begin by paying close attention to the verbal predicates used by the client in order to guide her. The procedure then is:

a) Ask the client to think of their favorite place of relaxation, where everything is comfortable and they feel perfectly safe. With the use of the client’s preferred language (verbal predicates), elicit and shape the client into the desired state.

b) Having decided what trigger(s) to use for the state (touch, visual, auditory, or combination of), the hypnotist, using his/her sensory acuity to determine when the person is at a peak of intensity, applies the trigger himself, or he can ask the client to take a deep breath, or even apply a combination of possible triggers, then releases the new trigger "anchor”, just as the client begins to lose the peaking effect of the emotion within his/her imagination.

c) The client’s state is then changed by simply asking a question, “What is your phone number backwards?”

d) Finally the anchor is tested by re-triggering the new stimulus “anchor” and taking note as to whether the client is re-associated into the desired effect.

It is often helpful during regression therapy to use anchoring, which is similar to Pavlovian conditioning, providing a “safe place”, without a threat of pain.
The primary benefit to both client and hypnotherapist would be in the event of an abreaction. Although useful at times, if not presently desired, the “safe place” provides for a more controlled atmosphere.

Hypnotic anchors can also be used to counteract or change other hypnotic anchors.

Using already-developed associational relationships, "Hypnotic Anchors":
In the hypnotherapeutic context, the triggering of a hypnotic anchor is often used to induce trance. For example, to induce a state of relaxation, the hypnotherapist may initiate a conversation to discover specific incidents, activities or stimuli that naturally elicit the state of relaxation in the client – and then utilize these key elements in the course of hypnotic induction.
The general idea is to identify the verbal and non-verbal cues which elicit experiential responses, in order to use them during the therapeutic exploration process. It should also be remembered here, that when anchoring such memories, the point of peak experience is best used in order to draw the richest memory back when desired.

Developing new associational correlations:
The development of new associational hypnotic anchors is useful to influence the how, what, and when of experiential association a hypnotherapist wishes to evoke.

There are five principles which should always be observed for creating effective hypnotic anchors.

1) Interpersonal Absorption and Trust: The securing of trust should be implemented before attempting to anchor experiences, and the anchor should also secure the hypnotherapist involvement.
2) Uniqueness: The hypnotic anchor should possess qualities directly linked to the hypnotherapist and not bring up other memories.
3) Clearing: The client should be experientially absorbed before and during the anchoring process, so that other memories don't intermingle clouding the effect.
4) Timing: The peak, or height of an experience is best used when creating the hypnotic anchor.
5) Conscious Bypassing: This states that the initial cue used to access the memory is best if operated through an out of conscious modality. Simply put, if the client's primary modality for accessing a memory is visual, a kinesthetic or auditory one should be used because it will bypass the conscious control eliminating resistance.

As mentioned, applying an anchor in such a fashion that it is only triggered when desired is the key to successful operations.

The primary purpose of having a combination of a visual and or kinesthetic cue along with a verbal, or auditory signal, is for “safety measures”. The combination of cues prevents the possibility of an accidental re-induction. Aside from this safety measure, the combination type cue acts as a compounding of the hypnotic anchor.

As taught in classes of NLP, when a hypnotic anchor is compounded, it becomes stronger and more effective. This double cue strategy also prevents the possibility of the hypnotic anchor being worn out. For example, if an anchor is placed or emphasized in a manner or location that gets easily triggered by ones everyday lifestyle, it builds other associations upon itself, reducing and changing its original intent. By situating the hypnotic anchor in such a manner that there is the least possible chance of accidental triggering, its effectiveness could last indefinitely.

It was Milton H. Erickson’s belief that everyone already has the resources they need to make the changes required to meet their goals.

Anchors are a natural process employed by all living creatures, and are often naturally used to get what one wants, the only thing is, that most people don’t realize what they are doing, and/or don’t use it for everything consciously, or unconsciously. Take for example the use of tonalities in general conversation (also have a look at analogical markings, and vocal dynamics for a greater understanding). People have tonalities that say “don’t bother me right now" and tonalities combined with facial expressions that indicate something is wrong. We also use postures as anchors on others that say, “hey baby I’m available", or "don’t mess with me.” So it is easy to notice the naturalness of hypnotic anchors in society.

As we are now familiar, words are hypnotic anchors, and more accurately put, words are hypnotic anchors for past learned 4-tuples. The wonderful thing about this knowledge is in realizing that a 4-tuple can be accessed through any of the modalities present, and that any of the modalities present or applied to a 4-tuple can be used as an anchor. It can therefore be stated that images, sensations, sounds, smells, and flavors, as well as variations of each can be used as associations to whatever specified meanings these are applied.

Anchors can be used overtly; by asking someone to access a particular memory, and associating that memory with an image, touch, sound, or smell, and anchors can be applied covertly just as easily by creating associations when a person doesn’t realize it, such as a hand pressed up against the subjects shoulder during a good laugh.

Covert methods employed could be as casual as a certain motion, deviations in ones tone of voice or its location via spatial markings, and can be as casual as that employed by entertainers when they move about a stage marking out humor in one location, and sadness in another. Many comedians will tell a joke on stage in one location, then come back to the same spot, and give a certain look to the audience re-creating a memory of a joke they told early in a show.

In therapy, resources can be built up in clients with the use of anchors. One resource I often use with clients is a power anchor. I have the client remember times when they have felt powerful, and then I stack these memories kinesthetically one on top of the other. Later the client only has to fire off the anchor and he, or she feels wonderful and able to accomplish whatever he, or she might have been afraid of.

Another use of hypnotic anchors applied in the therapeutic setting is that of anchoring past events for quick recall later. Even the application of an anchor to bring trance about quickly comes in very handy, and is one of which I employ always with clients, both for my own work with them, and also to make their own transition with self hypnosis practices easier.

And now you can learn the secrets of Creating Anchors while in the state of hypnosis so that the technique becomes integrated and a part of your everyday language and behavior quickly and easily.

Linkage Phrases

Linkage, refers to using words in a manner that implies a cause-effect relationship. It is the use of words to tie together hypnotic suggestions in a covert manner, by providing a direction of thought without blatantly commanding it. If you want something to be experienced by your subject it is easier to provide language which suggests that something will occur due to something else. Here are three forms of linkages phrases for you to play with.

The weakest type of "link" is the word “AND”: - “X and Y”.
You are reading this page AND you are wondering what kind of examples I am going to offer after this one.

The second type of “link” establishes the connection in “time” with words such as “AS”, “WHILE”, “DURING”, and “WHEN”: - “as X,Y”.
AS you continue to learn about the effects of your language, you can begin to realize how useful these suggestions will be.

The strongest type of "link" uses words which provide causality. Some examples of these words are “MAKE”, “CAUSE”, “FORCE”, “BECAUSE”, etc. – “X causes Y”.
Making up your own examples, will RESULT in your becoming naturally covert.

So take a deep breath, AND slowly let it out.
Now AS you sit there wondering, “what can I do with all this”.
The simple practice of covertly suggesting your directions, WILL GET you the results you seek.

Now this is a fun topic. Milton H. Erickson, perhaps the most known, successful and sought-after hypnotherapist of all times (besides Mesmer which had the honor of hypnotizing kings), had a way to form hypnotic suggestions that didn’t even seem like hypnotic at all.

Erickson used to combine numerous hypnotic suggestions while he spoke to his patients (and later on, after Bandler & Grinder did their research, it was known that he used hypnotic suggestions with almost anyone!).

Later on we’ll do a course on the hypnotic formulas that Milton Erickson used. For now, let’s take a closer look on some great hypnotic pick-up lines. When I say “pick up line”, it doesn’t mean in the sense of picking up babes, but in the sense of picking up the attention of the subconscious mind of the listener.

The best way to use and practice these hypnotic pick-up lines is the simple way: same one aloud and complete it with whatever suggestion you want to apply.

Now, please remember: these are not magic tricks. You cannot simply go to strangers on the street and say something like “and I wonder if you can wonder what it would be like having me as your boyfriend…”. You’ll get slapped, kicked, scratched or worst. Be careful.

Hypnotic pick-up lines won’t work if the listener didn’t agree in advance to either receive therapeutic intervention or to be hypnotized by you. The only other option is that the listener is someone very close to you who has a lot of trust and dependency feelings towards you. It can be your daughter or son, your husband or wife or parents. But that’s also depends on the situation and the manner in which you use these hypnotic phrases.

Let’s begin.

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #1:

“And you can wonder, if you would, that…” - you can complete this one in many ways. For example, you could work with a client on smoking cessation, and apply this line near the end of the session - “and you can wonder, if you would, that you have left the old smoke-inhalation habit behind you. If you would, you may also wonder how far it may seem as if it happened in a different life”. Quick tip - when I worked with people on smoking cessation, I never said “you don’t smoke anymore”; because this line is like saying “smoke! Smoke! Smoke some more!”. I used to rephrase the habit ’smoking’ to smoke-inhalation… which almost never heard of in real life. This way, it becomes an un-known, something to be alarmed about.

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #2:

“Can you pay attention to…” - get creative here. This is a great induction phrase. “Can you pay attention to the sound of the air conditioning zooming, to the air breeze, to the smell of the fresh flowers on my desk, to the fabric of the recliner you’re sitting in, to the depth of your breathing? And did you notice how little by little it may get deeper, as with each breath that you take even more air comes in slower than before as a sense of…”. Got the idea? While their mind is waiting for the question mark in order to respond, their subconscious mind has taken the suggestions and acted upon them.

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #3:

“And you can allow yourself to be pleased about” - ah, what a great way to end a trance work. That was one of my favorite suggestions. “and you can allow yourself to be pleased about all the things you’ve accomplished today. It has been hectic, isn’t it? Getting INTO trance, doing all this important work devoted JUST for you, making all the changes, taking care of yourself and improving yourself so you can be more for yourself and for your family and for your country and for the community you live in, but mainly - yes, mainly - to serve your own sense of mission. It’s ok, you can smile a little smile, some people choose to smile after I start to count, 1 2 3 4 5, but you can start now as you find yourself wide awake at the count of 5 (say 5 with a smile).. And counting (with excitement) 1 2 3 4 annnnnd 5! Wide awake! Wide awake! You did a great job. Well done”.

Ok, I gave you a few examples, now it’s your turn to free your mind and come up with your own suggestions to complete these 55 hypnotic pick-up lines:

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #4: “… it might be a way that meets your needs, when…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #5: “and I wonder if you can enjoy the following experience, starting with…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #6: “and don’t be surprised when you get into…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #7: “And you may begin to wonder when…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #8: “certainly I have no idea what’s going on inside of your mind right now, but may I guess that you ask yourself how powerful would it be to imagine that…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #9: “and you may be amazed to find out how much pleasure you can squeeze from…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #10: “Now I would like you to have a new experience…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #11: “With your permission…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #12: “and you most probably discover how it’s like when…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #13: “so sooner or later, I just don’t know exactly when, you…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #14: “and I was just wondering if you will be surprised as…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #15: “how much curious could you be if you’d know that…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #16: “Perhaps it’s time to take a little bit of joy on your way to…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #17: “now, you already know how to…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #18: “and maybe you wouldn’t (spelled out - would ENT) mind noticing how…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #19: “and I wonder if I can ask you to, DISCOVER something…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #20: “and I would like you to take note of the physical sensations that are taking place right now in your body, from the tip of…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #21: “first, XYZ, but then later ZYX…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #22: “now, have you begun to notice that…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #23: “I wonder if you’d allow yourself to enjoy how naturally and easily…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #24: “I just wonder if you’d find joy in…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #25: “and that thing that makes you curious right when…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #26: “will you be surprised to find out that…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #27: “and while you notice…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #28: “and perhaps you begin to notice that…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #29: “I wonder if you have ever noticed…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #30: “will you be surprised to find out that your arm is not even near your face anymore? because…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #31: “and I wonder if you can begin allowing your…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #32: “that only a decision you’re about to make just when…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #33: “most likely, you’d notice a few changes in the way you…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #34: “now it’s very likely, no actually, most likely…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #35: “would you be willing to experience how…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #36: “now don’t be concerned if you don’t go as fast as others into trance, because you see, some people take their time to ENJOY their time and we have as much time as you’d ask for, even if before you know it…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #37: “it’s so nice to notice…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #38: “and you shall know as you knew before, that…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #39: “it may be the time you felt that joy with…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #40: “and it appears to me that you are already in that place where…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #41: “give yourself that opportunity to…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #42: “perhaps sooner than you would expect…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #43: “and if you wish you would…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #44: “and I wonder how soon you can wonder…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #45: “there’s a famous children song that I have forgotten about, and you may be able to record it, with the spider on the wall that…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #46: “it’s most amazing when you find out how…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #47: “now you know better than anyone that…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #48: “and it’s comforting to know… isn’t it?…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #49: “you might have a strong compulsion to act more…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #50: “I would like you to appreciate how wonderful the…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #51: “can you remember a time when…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #52: “and while you remember I want you to hold another sweet memory of…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #53: “so it’s almost like knowing, really knowing…”

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #54: “and you know you’re going to learn, really learn, how it’s like when…”

And the last one for now, which is also one of my favorites:

Hypnotic Pick Up Line #55: “and isn’t it just amusing…”

How to Become an Irresistible and Hypnotic Communicator.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Hypnosis

Applied to Communication, Influence and Persuasion.


This influence and persuasion material is extremely powerful. It is not intended to be used to manipulate other people into doing things that are not in their best interest.

While I believe that you cannot make someone to do something against their will - using these influence and persuasion techniques. I do know that you can persuade them to do things that are not in their best interest.

Do not do it. Use this powerful material only to develop long term relationships. Use it to help people get what they want. Use it to get what you want. And do so with integrity.

Because this influence and persuasion material is powerful - it is like a two edged sword. It can be used for good. And it can be used for bad. It's like a powerful automobile - you can use it to get from here to there. And you can run people down with it. It's powerful. If it wasn't - what good would it be!

For instance, you could use these influence and persuasion skills to manipulate someone into buying something that they don't want - or doing something they don't want to do. Do not do it!

You can use influence and persuasion skills to make a successful career in sales, or any other profession, by helping thousands of people obtain things that they want and need. Help people make positive changes in their lives. Use it to this, instead.

I am telling you, people will know when you are influencing and persuading only for your own vested interest and not for theirs. They have a built in sleaze detector. They might buy something from you once but they will not become a repeat customer. You will make some sales but you will not build a successful business.

Do you understand?

Enough said. Let's move on ....

Supercharge your influence, persuasion and communication skills.

When you learn how to use Advanced Language Patterns you will skyrocket your communication skill. You will supercharging your ability to gain rapport quickly and use hypnotic language patterns.

Many people have told me "This is absolutely the best information available on hypnotic language and advanced language patterns." And whether you agree with them, or not. It does allow you to become an irresistible communicator and influence and persuade powerfully with integrity.

Stop for a moment. And recall a time when you were trying to communicate with someone, perhaps it was your boss, your child or maybe your spouse or girlfriend. And no matter how hard you tried you were unable to communicate in a way that achieved what you wanted. Maybe it is still painful for you. You don't have to keep repeating your past failures with ineffective communication.

Now, consider that same event, and this time, imagine; because of you are able to influence and communicate powerfully and because you use advanced language patterns, NLP and hypnosis skills and techniques, it is different. Feel what it is like; see yourself and hear yourself actually speaking, as you interact and communicate perfectly. With just the right words. Said in just the right way. And you achieve what you want. Now, That is perfect, isn't it!

You know it is possible for you to be a better communicator.

I know you can do this. Hundreds of others already have.

I don't know about you, but I get excited when I see something on the internet and think about how fortunate I was able to find it - because it is one of the most powerful programs available. And I imagine how it will be in the future when I have really been able to gain mastery because that's really important to me. And I have found it to be the same for many others as well. Perhaps you see yourself in these examples.

When you stop, and think about how someone who is able to use language patterns skillfully to influence and persuade others. When you imagine someone who is able to easily and effortlessly achieve goals. It probably makes you want to be like than that now.

Can you imagine yourself being like that. Now, how wonderful that feels. Wouldn't it be great to be like that? Now and in the future.

You Can Become an Irresistible and Hypnotic Communicator.

You may already realize that developing your hypnotic language skills is absolutely the quickest way to improve your ability to influence and persuade. In all areas of your life. And that's natural.

Advanced Language Patterns Mastery - the skill building manual - have been used with tremendous success by:

  • people in their everyday life,

  • successful salespeople,

  • realtors,

  • internet copywriters - specializing in writing hypnotic copy,

  • hypnotists,

  • teachers and Ph. D professors,

  • parents,

  • students,

  • lawyers,

  • professional hypnosis counselors

  • psychologists and hypnotists

  • seminar leaders and trainers,

  • NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) Practitioners,

  • NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) Master Practitioners

  • Brief therapy Practitioners

  • and many others

All of these people ... and more ... have used this resource, Advanced Language Patterns Mastery, to make a huge improvement to their communication skills. And so can you improve your results that you are getting in life.

Advance Language Patterns Mastery has been described by many as the most effective way of developing your mastery and ability to use hypnotic language and use advanced language patterns for influence and persuasion..

Maybe I am not a pretty face. But I have put together a collection of what many people feel is the most powerful, enduring, effective and masterful techniques of advanced language patterns (drawn from NLP, Hypnosis, influence and persuasion information) in existence today ....

I have been told by other first-rate communicators that they obtained this manual for two reasons.

"First, there is no other source that has all of this information in it."

"And secondly, it would have cost me more than $400 US to just to collect some of this material. And even then I wouldn't have had any of the really new distinctions."

"In this one incredible source you will find hundreds of hypnotic language patterns ... and you will also find a process to quickly and effortlessly achieve mastery in their use by putting them to use."

"It's an extraordinary way to improve your communication results!"

Here is just some of what you will learn from Advanced Language Patterns Mastery.

Some of what you will learn:

  • over 120 words and phrases that shift peoples' experience of space! (i.e. this is how you can take someone's objection and have them set it aside while they consider your proposal or product.)

  • over 120 words and phrases to shift peoples' experience of time! (i.e. you can have someone imagine themselves in the future experiencing the joy of owning your product or perhaps spending time with you - time distortion.)

  • over 170 words/phrases to shift peoples' experience of subjective experience! (i.e. how you can create, in a very natural way, in the your mind or the minds of others, pictures, thoughts, feeling and actions.)

  • 17 sleight of mouth patterns!- (i.e.17 ways how to win an argument or to completely blow away someone's limiting belief using one powerful sentence.)

  • 32 hypnotic language patterns! - (i.e. how to use powerful hypnotic language to get what you want with integrity.)

  • using past, present and future verb tenses to change people's experiences! (i.e. how you can put a present problem into the past where it belongs or put a much needed resource into the future etc.)

  • moving between Logical Levels of Systems! (an advance way to understand exactly where a person is coming from.)

  • over 50 powerful language examples that you can copy and use immediately in your speaking or writing! (Great for copywriters. And your own ads.)

  • voice intonation patterns!( i.e. how to command the unconscious mind to do what you want. And how to use these covert commands in writing.)

  • how to move yourself or someone from can't to can!

  • and much, much more!

If your day to day activities includes dealing with other people, such as clients or customers, co-workers or bosses, teachers or students, a spouse or a child, doctors or lawyers or bankers, this skill building manual is for you. You cannot not afford to get Advanced Language Patterns Mastery.

Now, ...

The question is ..... do you want to really improve the results you are getting?

If you do then this is the easiest way to do that.

Advanced Language Patterns Mastery is a collection of the techniques and language of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis organized and adapted to create irresistible communication. It is the definitive manual on influence and persuasion.

Advanced Language Patterns Mastery's author is Larry McLauchlin. Larry is a specialist in communication, and individual and corporate transformations. He has spent the over 30 years researching and making practical the structure of communication, persuasion, influence, leadership, prosperity and spirituality.

He is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. And has spent thousands of hour compiling, understanding, internalizing and training in advanced language patterns, NLP, hypnosis and how the mind works.





Explain to the client what will happen to him or her. That he or she will always be in control of himself or herself. And go over the questions and answers


The reason to use progressive relaxation is that the client feel comfortable, relaxed and calm and also feels that you can help him relax. After all you are now relaxing the client to a degree where he or she is almost asleep. The client is giving you his confidence


Have the client sit in a comfortable chair (if you have a recliner better yet). Loosen ail tight fighting clothing.

First teach the client how to breath in a relaxation mode and important it to do relaxation breathes.

Breath in for the count of 3. 1,2,3.
Hold your breath for the count of 3. 1,2,3
Breath out for the count of 3 1,2,3,

Now let's do this again with your eyes open or closed, however you want to do it.

Breath in for the count of 3. 1,2,3.
Hold your breath for the count of 3. 1,2,3
Breath out for the count of 3 1,2,3,

Very good now we will breath to relax and do this again

Breath in for the count of 3. 1,2,3.
Hold your breath for the count of 3. 1,2,3
Breath out for the count of 3 1,2,3


I am sure you know how to imagine things, we do that all the time. I want you to imagine a flower. Can you see it in your mind?. (When the client answers in the affirmative continue)
Very good. Now I want you to imagine the big toe on your left foot. Just this toe, nothing more.
Think of this toe and imagine that the muscles of this toe are calm and relaxed just like strands of wet noodles. Can you imagine that? (When the client answers in the affirmative continue)
Very good. Now I want you to imagine that this relaxation goes all the way to the other toes on your left foot. (It is very important that you say very good to the client after this as it helps the client fell he or she is doing the right thing and feeling the right way)
Very good. Now I want you to imagine that this relaxation goes all the way to the ball of the foot.
Now this relaxation goes to the heel of the left foot ( we stop using the word imagine and now the client is feeling he relaxation), Very good. now feel this relaxation go up the calf to the left knee


Now this relaxation goes to the big toe on your right foot. Now this relaxation goes all the way to the other toes on your right foot. Very good. Now I want you to imagine that this relaxation goes all the way to the ball of the foot. Now this relaxation goes to the heel of the right foot , Very good. now feel this relaxation go up the calf to the right knee.


Now I want you to imagine a wave. A wave of relaxation just like on a boat. The same type of wave you feel on a boat. Feel this wave with each deep and fresh breath of clean fresh air you take. As you fill your lungs you feel a wave of relaxation going from your head to your toes.
You feel a wave of relaxation going from your head to your toes, just like on a boat your body relaxes with this wave of relaxation.


Feel your body relaxed from the knees to the thighs. Each muscle in your thighs now feel relaxed and calm like those in your calves and feet. Let this relaxation sink in and feel how good it is. Now you feel the muscles of the hips relaxed and calm. They feel heavy against the chair.


Now imagine the wave again. This wave of relaxation just like on a boat. The same type of wave you feel on a boat. Feel this wave with each deep and fresh breath of clean fresh air you take. As you fill your lungs you feel a wave of relaxation going from your head to your toes.
You feel a wave of relaxation going from your head to your toes, just like on a boat your body relaxes with this wave of relaxation.


Feel this relaxation now in your hips, now in your stomach and abdomen. You feel the muscles of your stomach relaxed and calm. this relaxation goes to your chest (Do the chest relaxation quicker as this can produce anxiety if prolonged). Now in your neck down to your arms and now this relaxation that you feel is so good in your hands. Your hands are now relaxed the same way your feet are.


Now feel the wave again. This wave of relaxation that you felt before.. The same type of wave you feel on a boat. Feel this wave with each deep and fresh breath of clean fresh air you take. As you fill you lungs you feel a wave of relaxation going from your head to your toes.
You feel a wave of relaxation going from your head to your toes, and this makes you want to sleep. Sleep now. Sleep now.


Feel this relaxation now in your neck, now going up your neck on your head. Each hair on your head feel relaxed and clam. Now going to your forehead and eye lids and eye brows. Now your face and cheeks are relaxed and calm. This relaxation now goes to your mouth and chin. Let this relaxation go down your Neck into your back and down your back muscles. The big muscles of the back are now relaxed and calm. Your whole body is relaxed and calm.


Now feel the wave again. This wave of relaxation that you felt before.. The same type of wave you feel on a boat. As you sway from side to side you feel your body going deeper and deeper into hypnosis and relaxation (Notice this is the first time we use the word hypnosis).Feel this wave with each deep and fresh breath of clean fresh air you take. As you fill your lungs you feel a wave of relaxation going from your head to your toes.
You feel a wave of relaxation going from your head to your toes, and this makes you want to sleep. Sleep now. Sleep now.


" I will count backwards from 10 to 1 and you go down a flight of stairs with is covered with a rich thick deep carpet when you get to the bottom you will fall into a deep state of relaxation and hypnosis when we get to 1."
10 you feel your body sinking into a deep rich carpeting
9 you feel your body sinking more into this plush, deep, rich, carpeting
8 your body is sinking now into this thick, plush, deep, rich, carpeting
7 let your body sink and feel yourself going into a deep sleep
6 your body is sinking more and more now
5 let your body and mind sleep now
4 sleep now
3 continue to sleep now and feel your body sinking into this thick, plush, deep, rich, carpeting
2 sleep now
1 sleep now



It is important to wake the client slowly

Now in a few moments it will be time to wake up and feel refreshed and content.
I will count from five to one and when I get to one you will be wide awake, feeling happy and refreshed as if you have slept for eight hours.
5 fell every muscle in your body relaxed
4 Your body feels good ready to wake up
3 Your Eyes fell as if they bathed with fresh cool spring water
2 You are getting ready to wake up
1 Wake up, wake up.

If the client does not wake be calm and say. I know you feel comfortable like this but if you ever want to feel like this again you have to wake up at the count of five 1,2,3,4,5 wake up now.

The client always wakes up. But what would happen if he or she did not wake up? Nothing the client would sleep for a little bit and than wake up just like a normal sleep.
"Did you walk to work or carry a lunch?"


My father asked me that question more than 25 years ago. I still remember it. Why? Because it's a ridiculous question.

A famous comedian in the 1950s used to ask people, "Got a banana?" The question might make sense if asked in the right situation, but he asked it everywhere. I've forgotten the name of the comedian, but I still recall his question. Why? Because it's strange.

As I write this, I am creating new business cards for myself. I decided to add a confusing line to it. After some fun brainstorming with my girlfriend, I settled on, "Ask me about the monkey."

Why is "Ask me about the monkey?" worth putting on my business card? As with my father's question and the comedian's question, it stops your brain in its tracks. It makes you pause. It makes you focus on ME. The theory is that once you stop someone with a confusing line, you can then implant a hypnotic command right after it.

In other words, if I write something like, "Apples desk fly dirt," and then follow it with, "Read my new ebook," the chances are very high that you are going to want to read my new ebook.

Why? Because the first line jammed your mind, and the second line slipped into your brain while you weren't looking. I've just upped the odds that you will buy my new e-book. And if you don't, of course, it doesn't matter because I never really told you to go buy it. See?

The same thing will happen on my new business cards. Since I'm now known as "The World's First Hypnotic Marketer," I wanted a strange, confusing line on my new card. When someone sees, "Ask me about the monkey," and then asks me about the monkey, I can simply point out that I practice hypnotic selling and I just got them to do what I wanted.

The Japanese practice this "hypnotic confusion," but probably unknowingly. A friend of mine who flew to Japan reported to me that the English phrases on all the Japanese products were bizarre. A tube of toothpaste might say, "Green days you not sing." A box of cookies might say, "Wood above fish."

How can you use this secret right now? Don't be afraid to be confusing. People tend to sort out whatever you say anyway and make sense out of it using their own terms. If you are describing your product in great detail, be willing to toss in something odd. It may increase sales.
  1. Fast

    Use the word "fast" in your ad. People want fast results, fast delivery, fast ordering, etc. Nowadays, we usually value our time more than our money. For example, you could say, "Our product works fast!" Another example, "Our product comes with fast shipping options."
  2. Guaranteed

    Use the word "guaranteed" in your ad. People want to be assured they are not risking their hard- earned money buying your product. For example, you could say, "Our product comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee!" Another example would be, "Don't forget our product comes with a lifetime guarantee!"
  3. Easy

    Use the word "easy/simple" in your ad. People want easy ordering, easy instructions, easy to use, easy payments, etc. For example, you could say, "It's the easiest way to lose weight!" Another example would be, "It's easy to order - just click here and fill out your information!"
  1. End Pain

    Most people want to avoid or end pain. Tell your prospects how much pain and the problems they will avoid or end if they buy your product. For example, you could say, "Just imagine being able to go out in public without thinking you're being made fun of behind your back"
  2. Give Pleasure

    Most people want to gain pleasure. Tell your prospects how much pleasure or the benefits they will gain if they purchase your product. For example, you could say, "Picture yourself lying on a beautiful sandy beach with nothing to look at but palm trees and a stunning blue ocean."
  3. Build Curiosity

    Most people are curious about things that can affect their current lifestyle. You could use words like "Secret" or "Confidential" in your ad. For example, you could say "If you order before June 24, 2003, you'll also get a Secret Mystery Gift valued at $20!"

One of the best ways to increase your sales is to offer your potential customers a special offer. It could be trial offers, discounts, purchase awards, etc. Below are ten sizzling offers you could use to sell your products like crazy.

  1. You could offer your potential customers a free sample of your product. If the sample proves what you claim, there is a high chance they will buy it.
  2. You could give your potential customers a free trial of your product or service. Tell them you won't bill them for 30 days.
  3. You could offer your potential customers a rebate after they buy your product or service. They will feel they are getting a good deal.
  4. You could offer your potential customers a monthly payment plan. Tell them they can pay for your product or service with three easy monthly payments.
  5. You could reward your potential customers if they buy a specific number of products. Tell them if they buy 3 or more products, they will get one free.
  6. You could reward your potential customers if they spend over a specific dollar amount. Tell them if they spend over $100, they get a 10% discount.
  7. You could hold a holiday sale for your potential customers. Tell them everything on your web site is discounted up to 50% on Thanksgiving Day.
  8. You could hold a buy one get one free sale for your potential customers. Tell them if they buy one product, they get another product for free at the same value.
  9. You could hold a special $1 sale for your potential customers. They'll come to your web site to buy your product for only a dollar, but may buy other products.
  10. You could offer your potential customers a bonus coupon when they buy one of your products. It could be a coupon for another product you sell.
  1. You could end your ad copy by telling people what will happen if they don't buy your product. Use a problem which they won't be able to solve without it. For example, you could say, "Imagine staying in debt, filing for bankruptcy and losing your credit.” Another example, "See yourself 5 years from now still without the love of your life. How will you feel?"
  2. You could end your ad copy with a question that they will always say yes to. Then they will be used to saying yes when you ask them to order. For example, you could say, "You want to be able to afford the best things life has to offer, don't you?" Another example, "You want to meet the woman/ man of your dreams, don't you?"
  3. You could end your ad copy with a short review of your whole ad. Repeat all the major benefits and features they will receive. For example, you could say, "Like mentioned earlier, you'll get the e-book "How To Increase Your Sales", you'll get the report "5 Ways To Double Your Sales Instantly" and you'll get a "FREE 30-Minute Consultation With Yours Truly!"
3 Hypnotic Salesletters Closings

  1. You could end your ad copy by telling people what will happen if they don't buy your product. Use a problem which they won't be able to solve without it. For example, you could say, "Imagine staying in debt, filing for bankruptcy and losing your credit.” Another example, "See yourself 5 years from now still without the love of your life. How will you feel?"
  2. You could end your ad copy with a question that they will always say yes to. Then they will be used to saying yes when you ask them to order. For example, you could say, "You want to be able to afford the best things life has to offer, don't you?" Another example, "You want to meet the woman/ man of your dreams, don't you?"
  3. You could end your ad copy with a short review of your whole ad. Repeat all the major benefits and features they will receive. For example, you could say, "Like mentioned earlier, you'll get the e-book "How To Increase Your Sales", you'll get the report "5 Ways To Double Your Sales Instantly" and you'll get a "FREE 30-Minute Consultation With Yours Truly!"

Top 10 Power Words You Should Use in Your Advertising

According to the psychology department at Yale University, some words in the English language are more powerful than others. Here are their top 10 most powerful:

10. New -- It's part of basic human makeup to seek novelty.

9. Save -- We all want to save something.

8. Safety -- This could refer to health or long-lasting quality.

7. Proven -- Helps remove fear from trying something new.

6. Love -- Continues to be an all-time favorite.

5. Discover -- Presents a sense of excitement and adventure.

4. Guarantee -- Provides a sense of safety at the time of purchase.

3. Health -- Especially powerful when it applies to a product.

2. Results -- Works in rationalizing a purchase.

1. You -- Listed as the #1 most powerful word in every study reviewed. Because of the personal nature of advertising copywriting, you should use “you” in your headline, opening line and as often as possible. In fact, many copywriters will throw out a headline if “you” is not in it.

Power Words For Emotional Selling
by Karl Stepp

Here is a handy list of power words to help you with creating ad copy. People on the internet, for the most part, will buy from you first based on emotion.
Certain words can and do make individuals act. Mix and match these proven words below to create your ad copy and then measure the results and adjust the wording as necessary. Try to sum up the benefits and value of your product or service.

It is nice to have alot of cool features, but buyers want to know exactly how your product will help them. Keep refining and restating and adjusting and measuring your ads until you come up with the right message. Expect it to take several tries to succeed. You have to promote the right message to get the traffic. Without traffic, it is difficult to sell online.

In a simple business web model, you want to have a decent product, strong support, and a professional internet presence. This in itself will not persuade the visitor to purchase.

By using the correct words, you can help bridge the communication gap by convincing the buyer to consider your product first.

The whole idea in headline copywriting is to get the reader to act. Write the headline to generate interest and target traffic, not to sell.

With about a billion websites to compete with, the titles and descriptions you use are more important than ever. By using benefit laden power words, your message will draw the click over others. Offer something remarkable and be sure you deliver exactly what you promise when they arrive. This will create a positive impression instantly with your visitor.

After you make the first sale, it is recommended to follow up promply to ensure complete satisfaction. It is important to create preference for your products and to constantly build on it.

The second sale decision will still be based on emotion, but not as strongly. They now have an experience with you to base your offer on. When the second sale is made then you are on your way.

By delivering and exceeding what the customer expects, you will be rewarded with the coveted "Customer For Life".

Article by Karl Stepp
Information City

186 Power Words For Selling

free sale new
professional guaranteed special
tested improved immediately
limited simplistic powerful
big popular exclusive
valuable how to endorsed
unlimited discount fundamentals
under priced suddenly perspective
launching skill reduced
better shrewd enormous
spotlight useful survival
largest colossal now
unlock fortune authentic
announcing huge gift
introducing practical focus
wanted absolutely lowest
interesting challenge lifetime
highest expert advice
the truth about compare colorful
affordable ultimate willpower
attractive easily approved
competitive full mammoth
innovative it's here just arrived
sure fire soar beautiful
crammed growth promising
astonishing imagination greatest
high tech latest important
urgent amazing exciting
portfolio revealing sensational
excellent remarkable obsession
surging revisited unique
bargain hurry daring
pioneering destiny unsurpassed
genuine informative mainstream
complete last chance exploit
quality gigantic love
lavishly reliable terrific
breakthrough emerging profitable
sampler noted luxury
unconditional timely bonanza
security refundable quickly
revolutionary personalized miracle
magic proven reward
weird surprise delighted
confidential sizable wonderful
delivered secrets scarce
alert famous strong
unusual outstanding energy
instructive liberal rare
edge superior unparalleled
fascinating compromise odd
bottom line zinger simplified
tremendous helpful special offer
technology selected sturdy
wealth successful opportunities
monumental startling quick
last minute easy direct
simple strange value
insider download Information City

By Martin Cargill
Contributing Writer
Article Date: 2003-08-21

As every professional politician and public relations man knows words have the power to entice, persuade and motivate people into a specific course of action.

There are certain words that I refer to as "Power Words" that I learned, back in the dawn of time, when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth.

For example, if I say to my daughter "clean up your room please" I get a totally different reaction than when I say "clean up your room NOW", even if both phrases are spoken in the same tone. When I use the word now, I know that she will clean up the mess, and that I have at least a 50-50 chance that she will do an adequate job.

My first exposure to this "Power" was at the hands of one of my mentors, now long-since dead, sad to say, who told me a story.

It seems that a trucker pulled into a roadside cafe in Amarillo, Texas and said to the waitress " There must be a million rabbits out there. I swear I've just squashed a dozen."

Compare the reaction when the story goes: It seems a trucker pulled into a roadside cafe in Amarillo, Texas and said to the waitress " I've just run over a bunny"

In both cases a small change in wording provokes a different reaction.

That's the "Power"of words !!

When used in your advertising material, such words can be almost irresistible. Here are 9 "Power Words" for you to try out.

1...Secret (or little-known) used either alone or together (little-known secrets) are both "Power Words" that appeal to the curiosity of the reader. "What does he know that I don't" Few people blame their lack of success on their own efforts (or lack of effort), so they are comforted by the thought that they are failing because they have been denied vital information.

2...System appeals to the desire for simplicity and lack of real effort required. If someone already has a system in place, "all I have to do is put my name on it and plug it in !!"

3...New (or Improved) appeals to the sense of urgency. If something is NEW then you have to get it fast before everyone else does to maintain your competitive edge. Strangely a laundry product has advertised for many years that it was "New and Improved". It's difficult to see how it could be both, at the same time, but it shows the power that both these words have that the advertiser decided to use them together, as re-inforcement for each other.

4...Power is itself a "Power Word" suggesting that if only the reader had the knowledge that you have, he/she would be able to accomplish anything.

5...Magic is almost interchangeable with power, but it also suggests that an objective can be reached without effort. This appeals to both the lazy (like me) and the impetuous who want to attain their goal immediately.There is a natural tendency to assume that any one who makes his living in Advertising and Promotion must know something that is hidden from the rest of the world. Some arcane formula like "ABRACA- DABRA" or "Open Sesame" that magically transforms them into "gurus" or "prophets", that we must slavishly follow.

6...Immediate, of course suggests that something can be done instantly. This again appeals to the sense of urgency, and has a magic-like ring to it. Why wait - have it NOW !!

7...Insider suggests that the writer has information that cannot be known to the world at large, therefore if you will only pay for this you can attain an edge on the rest of the competition.

8...FREE (note: this often appears as FR~E in ads because of the ISP filters that seem to abound today)this word included in any headline will increase acceptance of your message - but make sure that when you say FR~E that you mean FR~E. If you attempt to charge for something that you have advertised as FR~E, you will lose all credibility.

9...YOU The reader is only interested in the potential benefit that he/she will receive from your product. The old advertising maxim is still valid "Sell the sizzle not the steak". Look carefully at your product and think of all the reasons that I, or anyone else would benefit by owning it.

For example, if you were selling big, gas-guzzling cars, you would stress the comfort, luxury interiors, prestige, reliability and smooth riding capacity of the car.

If you were selling those cars that are so small the driver has to sit with his/her knees against their chin you would stress the fuel economy, zippy sporty ride, cornering and road handling ability of the car, affordable price and ease of parking.

At the end of each sales page, or large ad you should also stress your "guarantee"(oops - another "Power Word - I should have titled this piece 10 Power Words. - Ah well !). You will be accepting payment for your product exclusively through credit cards, and the vendors will reverse any credit to your account, if the customer complains.

It is far better to make a positive "Money Back ( Another Power Word - that makes 11. So sue me, I can't count !!)Guarantee" than to have a negative " I'll give you your money back if you holler loud enough ". If you're going to have to do it anyway get some extra (that makes 12) mileage out of the situation.

I'm sorry that this article ran a little long, but you can consider the last 3 "Power Words" as a bonus (Oh no !! That's 13), make it an added (we can't end on 13 - that's unlucky - make it 14) bonus.

In closing, read as many of the ads that you see on-line as you can. You'll see how experienced marketers use these powerful words to motivate their readers, and perhaps pick up some ideas, that I didn't include.

All the best in your marketing efforts.