Friday, July 22, 2005

How to Become an Irresistible and Hypnotic Communicator.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Hypnosis

Applied to Communication, Influence and Persuasion.


This influence and persuasion material is extremely powerful. It is not intended to be used to manipulate other people into doing things that are not in their best interest.

While I believe that you cannot make someone to do something against their will - using these influence and persuasion techniques. I do know that you can persuade them to do things that are not in their best interest.

Do not do it. Use this powerful material only to develop long term relationships. Use it to help people get what they want. Use it to get what you want. And do so with integrity.

Because this influence and persuasion material is powerful - it is like a two edged sword. It can be used for good. And it can be used for bad. It's like a powerful automobile - you can use it to get from here to there. And you can run people down with it. It's powerful. If it wasn't - what good would it be!

For instance, you could use these influence and persuasion skills to manipulate someone into buying something that they don't want - or doing something they don't want to do. Do not do it!

You can use influence and persuasion skills to make a successful career in sales, or any other profession, by helping thousands of people obtain things that they want and need. Help people make positive changes in their lives. Use it to this, instead.

I am telling you, people will know when you are influencing and persuading only for your own vested interest and not for theirs. They have a built in sleaze detector. They might buy something from you once but they will not become a repeat customer. You will make some sales but you will not build a successful business.

Do you understand?

Enough said. Let's move on ....

Supercharge your influence, persuasion and communication skills.

When you learn how to use Advanced Language Patterns you will skyrocket your communication skill. You will supercharging your ability to gain rapport quickly and use hypnotic language patterns.

Many people have told me "This is absolutely the best information available on hypnotic language and advanced language patterns." And whether you agree with them, or not. It does allow you to become an irresistible communicator and influence and persuade powerfully with integrity.

Stop for a moment. And recall a time when you were trying to communicate with someone, perhaps it was your boss, your child or maybe your spouse or girlfriend. And no matter how hard you tried you were unable to communicate in a way that achieved what you wanted. Maybe it is still painful for you. You don't have to keep repeating your past failures with ineffective communication.

Now, consider that same event, and this time, imagine; because of you are able to influence and communicate powerfully and because you use advanced language patterns, NLP and hypnosis skills and techniques, it is different. Feel what it is like; see yourself and hear yourself actually speaking, as you interact and communicate perfectly. With just the right words. Said in just the right way. And you achieve what you want. Now, That is perfect, isn't it!

You know it is possible for you to be a better communicator.

I know you can do this. Hundreds of others already have.

I don't know about you, but I get excited when I see something on the internet and think about how fortunate I was able to find it - because it is one of the most powerful programs available. And I imagine how it will be in the future when I have really been able to gain mastery because that's really important to me. And I have found it to be the same for many others as well. Perhaps you see yourself in these examples.

When you stop, and think about how someone who is able to use language patterns skillfully to influence and persuade others. When you imagine someone who is able to easily and effortlessly achieve goals. It probably makes you want to be like than that now.

Can you imagine yourself being like that. Now, how wonderful that feels. Wouldn't it be great to be like that? Now and in the future.

You Can Become an Irresistible and Hypnotic Communicator.

You may already realize that developing your hypnotic language skills is absolutely the quickest way to improve your ability to influence and persuade. In all areas of your life. And that's natural.

Advanced Language Patterns Mastery - the skill building manual - have been used with tremendous success by:

  • people in their everyday life,

  • successful salespeople,

  • realtors,

  • internet copywriters - specializing in writing hypnotic copy,

  • hypnotists,

  • teachers and Ph. D professors,

  • parents,

  • students,

  • lawyers,

  • professional hypnosis counselors

  • psychologists and hypnotists

  • seminar leaders and trainers,

  • NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) Practitioners,

  • NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) Master Practitioners

  • Brief therapy Practitioners

  • and many others

All of these people ... and more ... have used this resource, Advanced Language Patterns Mastery, to make a huge improvement to their communication skills. And so can you improve your results that you are getting in life.

Advance Language Patterns Mastery has been described by many as the most effective way of developing your mastery and ability to use hypnotic language and use advanced language patterns for influence and persuasion..

Maybe I am not a pretty face. But I have put together a collection of what many people feel is the most powerful, enduring, effective and masterful techniques of advanced language patterns (drawn from NLP, Hypnosis, influence and persuasion information) in existence today ....

I have been told by other first-rate communicators that they obtained this manual for two reasons.

"First, there is no other source that has all of this information in it."

"And secondly, it would have cost me more than $400 US to just to collect some of this material. And even then I wouldn't have had any of the really new distinctions."

"In this one incredible source you will find hundreds of hypnotic language patterns ... and you will also find a process to quickly and effortlessly achieve mastery in their use by putting them to use."

"It's an extraordinary way to improve your communication results!"

Here is just some of what you will learn from Advanced Language Patterns Mastery.

Some of what you will learn:

  • over 120 words and phrases that shift peoples' experience of space! (i.e. this is how you can take someone's objection and have them set it aside while they consider your proposal or product.)

  • over 120 words and phrases to shift peoples' experience of time! (i.e. you can have someone imagine themselves in the future experiencing the joy of owning your product or perhaps spending time with you - time distortion.)

  • over 170 words/phrases to shift peoples' experience of subjective experience! (i.e. how you can create, in a very natural way, in the your mind or the minds of others, pictures, thoughts, feeling and actions.)

  • 17 sleight of mouth patterns!- (i.e.17 ways how to win an argument or to completely blow away someone's limiting belief using one powerful sentence.)

  • 32 hypnotic language patterns! - (i.e. how to use powerful hypnotic language to get what you want with integrity.)

  • using past, present and future verb tenses to change people's experiences! (i.e. how you can put a present problem into the past where it belongs or put a much needed resource into the future etc.)

  • moving between Logical Levels of Systems! (an advance way to understand exactly where a person is coming from.)

  • over 50 powerful language examples that you can copy and use immediately in your speaking or writing! (Great for copywriters. And your own ads.)

  • voice intonation patterns!( i.e. how to command the unconscious mind to do what you want. And how to use these covert commands in writing.)

  • how to move yourself or someone from can't to can!

  • and much, much more!

If your day to day activities includes dealing with other people, such as clients or customers, co-workers or bosses, teachers or students, a spouse or a child, doctors or lawyers or bankers, this skill building manual is for you. You cannot not afford to get Advanced Language Patterns Mastery.

Now, ...

The question is ..... do you want to really improve the results you are getting?

If you do then this is the easiest way to do that.

Advanced Language Patterns Mastery is a collection of the techniques and language of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis organized and adapted to create irresistible communication. It is the definitive manual on influence and persuasion.

Advanced Language Patterns Mastery's author is Larry McLauchlin. Larry is a specialist in communication, and individual and corporate transformations. He has spent the over 30 years researching and making practical the structure of communication, persuasion, influence, leadership, prosperity and spirituality.

He is a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. And has spent thousands of hour compiling, understanding, internalizing and training in advanced language patterns, NLP, hypnosis and how the mind works.


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